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Yunnan Zechang Titanium Co.Ltd

Company Profile
Yunnan Zechang Titanium Co.Ltd (Zechang Titanium) is a largest producer of Titanium Dioxide Rutile with sulfuric acid refining in Yunnan, China. The co***ny has made a total investment of about RMB 400 million yuan in establishing a modern operation and quality control system with its own scientific research, manufacture, sales and customer service. Zechang Titanium is located in Beiying titanium industrial zone Kunming Yunnan with about 17 hectares land of its own, various supporting facilities, abundant r...
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Contact Us
Company: Yunnan Zechang Titanium Co.Ltd
Contact: Ms. Lily Ye
Address: Jiading
Postcode: 201803
Tel: 15721294319
Fax: 021-69517759


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